Your next vacation in the residences of Cervia

The list below displays all relevant information to contact residences in Cervia and spend pleasant weeks, months or the whole of the summer season at charming vacation homes in Cervia. Select pictures displaying vacation homes and residences in Cervia to enter detailed descriptions including price lists, information and maps to reach vacation homes Cervia in the easiest possible way. Take the opportunity to spend a pleasant holiday at a nice house situated amidst a lush pinewood forest overlooking the sea. Residences in Cervia, which are situated a short distance from both the sea and the city centre, are well-kept and comfortable accommodation facilities including one- and two-roomed flats and larger apartments which give guests the possibility to spend pleasant holidays here all the year round. In summer, vacation homes in Cervia are the ideal accommodation facilities to spend funny seaside holidays together with your family or friends and enjoy utmost freedom at reasonable prices. They are provided with equipped kitchens, modern household appliances, TV, telephone, laundry, air conditioning and proper areas to store bikes and sports equipments. Vacation homes in Cervia, which are situated a short distance from the spa establishment and are served by efficient means of transport, are the ideal accommodation facilities to spend long holidays or both autumn and spring stays, when both spas and the old town are less crowded and it is possible to take part in guided tours to explore the renowned Salt Pans.
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